First Day At School

Today was Michaels first day at school. He only went for one hour but I think he really enjoyed it. It’s a huge difference from “preschool”, but I think he’ll do fine. I am not sure about his mom though.

The one thing I can’t get over is the cost to send the boy to “public” school. I don’t remember having this many expenses when we went. Sure there was the supplies and the new “school” clothes. But now there is activity fees, tuition, before and after school program fees, breakfast fee, lunch “cost” account establishment; and this is just for Kindergarten… I will be broke before the sixth grade.

By the way… I did have an audio entry posted yesterday. But I hated is so now it is gone.

I also changed the look to this site, I think it looks a bit classier now.

The First Blog

Still trying to think of a new “theme” for the new website. I don’t want to repeat the old one, but I still don’t have any great new ideas. I guess I should have paid more attention in art class, maybe I could have sparked a seemingly dormant creative gene. If anyone has any ideas let me know.

Today I was on leave with “The Boy”. I should have really enjoyed it but do I need a rest. Being home alone with a five year old is no picnic. To top it off we went to the open house of his new school. A very nice school but the chaos of hundreds of kids and their parents left me with a slight migraine. I not complaining but everything today would have been a lot better if the last few day wouldn’t have been so crazy.

On Saturday, we finally completed a hectic “Terrific Ball” season on the base. We actually had a nice day so the director decided to hold the ceremony on the Base Parade field. There were kids running around everywhere, and once they got pizza, punch, and cake in their system we were all ready to leave. Still a good time for all.

Sunday was a good day… We took a short drive up to Calhan, Colorado for a visit to the El Paso County Fair. With the exception of the heat it was a good time. Michael really enjoyed riding the carnival rides, seeing the farm animals, and watching his first rodeo. My personal favorite was the “Goat Obstacle Course”, in which kids of all ages had to guide their goats over various obstacles. What a sight!

Monday we headed up to Woodland Park, Colorado to the Farish Recreation Area. We spent the day with about 85 coworkers and their families on a “family day”. Great time but keeping up, again, with those kids… wow. Water gun fights, football, fishing, HUGE picnic, scavenger hunt… I could keep going but you can see the fun.

I am on leave again tomorrow and it the last day before school starts. I am hoping to have some more fun… But until then I think it’s time for bed.