24 hours until snow! via Facebook

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Stupid Monday mornings ,🤬 via Facebook
I don’t know if it’s just me, but the last 5 months feels like the longest 2 years of my life. 🤔 via Facebook
Really need to find a new place to do our Saturday morning walks. Urban trails are nice, but getting a little boring.

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Watching a rerun of today’s Colorado School of Mines 2020 Convocation. Look who’s at the 15:30 mark! Impressed! Thanks to Sheri Eldredge Addis for letting me know about this. Dixie Lane Cirillo saw you to!

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Holy cow! Lot’s of rain coming down, and some hail too. And I was really looking forward to taking the dog for a walk and mowing the lawn. #onlyoneistrue via Facebook
I’ve seen this airplane flying over the house a lot the last couple of days. Must be working the Glenwood springs fire. Thought the tail number was the 911 emergency number… I was wrong.

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