Much Better Day

Bowl of clouds
Photo by kevindooley

Well today was a much better day than the last few. Interesting what a simple change in the mundane routine of daily living will do. After taking the boy to the bus stop, I did my daily perusal of the job boards. Though there are a few jobs advertised, I’ve noticed the numbers continuing to drop and the requirements for even the most mundane job go increasingly higher, like needing a Masters Degree to change backup tapes on a server… incredible. After that I decided I was going out for breakfast, and I took my wife to "The Good Egg"… not great, but not too bad. My wife then went to work and I worked on a few things at home until it was time to get the boy from the bus stop. My wife and son went to "Old Chicago" for dinner with friends, while I had to go to a Scout Round Table (Monthly Meeting of Leaders)…I would have rather gone to dinner, but since I now help run the round table for all Cub Scout leaders I had to go. Anyway, it was nice doing something different… I may not be "out of the rut", but today got me closer to the rim.